
Du-All Camera's Overhaul Specials

· Arri 16 S/B Arri S or Arri 16 M· Service $ 495.00

  1. Complete overhaul of camera body.
    Body gets stripped down to the last screw,
    all parts get completely washed out,
    relubed & reassembled.

  2. Camera's movement gets cleaned & relubed.
    Also all problems with movement are corrected
    such as frameline, parallax, timing,
    pitch & any looseness (play).

  3. Collimating of 3 prime lenses or 1 zoom lens.
  4. Reassembling your camera to factory specifications.
    All this for $ 495.00 [our most popular service]
    Any Parts needed to be replaced are extra.

Additional Services

Convert Camera To 4-Pin XLR (Includes Wiring Installation) $ 100.00 + $25.00 for the connector with overhaul

$ 100.00

4-pin XLR conversion $150.00 + $25.00 for the connector without overhaul

$ 150.00

"Gal Glass"
w/ overhaul

GalGlass by DU-All Camera is a Fiber Optic upgrade which gives an improvement of 3 or more stops brightness to your viewing system. The frost is illiminated and you can see a clear image to focus. You can get markings for :

1:33/TV Safe (4x3)

1:33 Corners & Cross Hairs

TV/1:85 (16x9) Widescreen

No Longer available

Convert Camera to bayonet front
$ 500.00


We also overhaul the Following Cameras:

Bolex, Eclair NPR, Eclair ACL
Krasnogorsk K-3 , Kodak K-100

Aaton 7, LTR 7, 54
Arri 16 SR 1, 2, 16BL, 35-2A, B, C, 35-3, 35BL-1, 2, 3, 4
Canon Scoopic M, MN, MS & Original
CP-16, Frezzolini FR-16

Overhaul prices above include 2 Magazines and collimation of 1 zoom or 3 primes.

overhaul of Most Camera Magazines are $ 150 each.
Parts are extra.

· Beaulieu 4008, 4008ZM, ZM2, ZM4, S2008· $ 350.00


  1. The camera gets cleaned, lubed, set to factory Specifications.
    Over years, emulsion and debri collects inside the camera and attach themselves to the internal gears and moving parts inside and can create uneven resistance. Also old lubrication dries up and the viscocity no longer is there so the oil is no longer slippery (In normal English). This is like carrying a load of bricks around. When we clean out the inside and relube the camera, we make sure it has the least amount of resistance it can possibly have. This affects your battery life as well since less resistance will allow you battery to last longer. Also if you don't have this done, eventually your camera can seize up and stop running altogether.
  2. The ground glass gets cleaned & set.
    cleaning the ground glass can be a night & day difference.

  3. Set camera's depth & Ground Glass, callibrate speeds, clean or replace internal filters. Also includes collimating the supplied zoom lens)

We sell Beaulieu batteries and other accessories, Click here

· Beaulieu R-16 · $ 350.00

  1. The camera gets cleaned, lubed, set to factory Specifications.

  2. The ground glass gets cleaned & set.
    The ground glass in this camera is actually 2
    separate pieces of glass. Usually oil & dirt get
    sandwiched between the 2 thus making it hard
    to view and/or focus. If this is a problem in your camera,
    cleaning the ground glass can be a night & day difference.

  3. Set camera's depth & Ground Glass, callibrate speeds
    (also includes collimating of 3 primes or 1 Zoom)

We also sell Beaulieu batteries and other accessories, Click here


· Bolex H-16 reflex cameras · $ 395.00 -450.00
Most models
  1. Completely disassemble camera
    and clean out the inside from emulsion & debris
    that collects after years of use.

  2. Clean, oil & polish claw mechanism and film
    transport and adjust for proper pulldown & pitch.

  3. Clean and reorient viewfinder.
    From years of use, your camera is banged around
    constantly which makes the viewfinder crooked.

  4. Reassemble camera, re-calibrate speeds, set timing,
    set up camera to factory specifications.
    (also includes collimating of 3 primes or 1 Zoom)

Any parts that need replacement are extra.

Master At Work